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An unlimited beat lease is a legal agreement between a music producer and an artist that grants the artist permission to make and monetize a song with the producer’s beat but without any stream or sale limits for the song.

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What does it mean to lease a beat? Are there any tags in the beats after they're purchased? Can I use your beats for free for nonprofit?

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Are you not making a lot of money from Spotify streams? While Spotify is AMAZING for consumers, most people agree that Spotify should be paying artists a lot more than 0.003 cents per stream.

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Why You Should Lease Beats Instead Of Buying Exclusive Rights (2022) Why should rappers lease beats instead of buying the exclusive rights to them? What’s the difference between lease and exclusive beats? While there are advantages to buying the exclusive rights to beats, it actually may be a better decision to lease them instead. In this article, we’re going to break down why you should lease beats, the benefits of leasing beats, and when you may want to consider buying the exclusive rights. Leasing Beats Saves You Money In general, beat leases are less expensive than exclusive beats. On average,...

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Beats -

While there are general guidelines, there’s no standard for what’s considered to be free for non profit or free for profit use. When in doubt check the description of the YouTube video, the producer’s website, and contact the producer if you have any questions.

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